People groups: 2,663

Population: 1,938,328,765

Unreached people groups: 2,283

UPG population: 1,740,739,975

Unengaged UPGs: 968

UUPG population: 42,775,775

Number of clusters: 65

Number of countries: 78


Overview: The greatest challenge for world evangelization is presented probably by the peoples of the South Asian affinity bloc. It has more unevangelized individuals and people groups than any other region of the world, and yet in some segments of its societies the Church is growing vigorously. Its ethnic, linguistic, religious and social complexity defies easy description. Overshadowing all is the pervasive caste system that blights India and Nepal especially. The people clusters that comprise South Asian Peoples are based mainly on ethnic origin, language and (to an extent) religion. It is helpful to see the sub-continent in this way, but a three-dimensional model that also incorporates caste is needed.

  -- Patrick Johnstone, The Future of the Global Church, p. 206

People clusters: Ansari; Arain; Assamese; Badhai; Bania; Banjara; Beldar; Bengali; Bhil; Bhoi; Brahmin; Brahui; Chamar; Darzi; Dhobi; Dusadh; Gond; Gujarati; Gujjar; Indo-Caribbean; Jat; Jogi; Kahar; Kapu; Kayastha; Kshatriya; Kuki Chin; Kumhar; Kunbi; Kurmi; Madiga; Mahishya; Mahratta; Mala; Mali; Mallah; Munda-Santal; Nai; Nair; Namasudra; OBC Hindu; OBC Muslim; Other Backward Class; Other Dalit; Other Forward Caste; Other South Asian; Other Tribal; Pasi; Punjabi; Rajbansi; Rajput; Sayyid; Sindhi; Sonar; South Asian Buddhist; South Asian Christian; South Asian Jain; South Asian Sikh; Tangsa Naga; Teli; Valmiki; Vanniyan; Viswakarma; Vokkaliga; Yadav

Countries where they are found: Afghanistan; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Australia; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belgium; Belize; Bhutan; Brazil; Brunei; Burundi; Cambodia; Canada; Chile; China; Christmas Island; Denmark; Fiji; France; French Guiana; Germany; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guyana; Hong Kong; India; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Kenya; Kuwait; Libya; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Martinique; Mauritius; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Oman; Pakistan; Panama; Portugal; Qatar; Reunion; Rwanda; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Saudi Arabia; Seychelles; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Tanzania; Thailand; Trinidad and Tobago; Türkiye; Uganda; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; Venezuela; Zambia; Zimbabwe

People groups: 2,663

Population: 1,938,328,765

Unreached people groups: 2,283

UPG population: 1,740,739,975

Unengaged UPGs: 968

UUPG population: 42,775,775

Number of clusters: 65

Number of countries: 78