Affinity Group: Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples
People Cluster: Filipino, Central
Language: Chavacano - (cbk)
Alternate Name(s): Chabakano, Sabah Tribal - Filipino
Primary Religion: Christianity - Roman Catholicism
Country: Malaysia
Also found in: Philippines
Population: 1,000
Global Population: 806,000
Progress of the Gospel: No Longer Unreached
Global Status of Evangelical Christianity: 10% or Greater Evangelical
Overview: The Chavacano of Malaysia, numbering 1,000, are No Longer Unreached. They are part of the Filipino, Central people cluster within the Malay Peoples affinity bloc. Globally, this group totals 806,000 in 2 countries. Their primary language is Chavacano. The primary religion practiced by the Chavacano is Roman Catholicism, the largest branch of the Christian church and one of the oldest religious institutions in the world. Roman Catholicism teaches that it is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ and that its bishops are the successors of Christ.
Bible Translations: Available
Jesus Film: Available
Gospel Recordings: Available
Radio Broadcast: Not Available