Photo courtesy of Joshua Project.
By Anonymous

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People groups: 278

Population: 43,388,155

Unreached people groups: 69

UPG population: 3,132,980

Unengaged UPGs: 21

UUPG population: 232,850

Number of countries: 6

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan African

Overview: The Benue River is the major tributary of the Niger River. At a length of some 1,400 km and almost entirely navigable during the summer months, the Benue is an important transportation route that serves the entire southeastern region of Nigeria. The Benue River basin is home to more than three hundred people groups, a majority of which number less than 50,000. Most groups speak a unique native language. Culture and religion vary widely.

Peoples within this cluster: Abanyom; Abong; Abua; Achipawa, Eastern; Achipawa, Western; Adara; Agatu; Agoi (Ibami); Agwagwune; Ake; Akpet-Ehom; Akum; Akweto; Alago; Alege; Amap, Amo; Ambele; Ambo; Anaang; Arum-Chessu; Ashingini; Assumbo; Aten; Auna-Agaraiwa Kambari; Ayu; Baangi; Bakpinka; Balo; Bamburo; Bamukumbit; Banagere; Banda (Shoo-Minda-Nye); Banga; Bankalawa; Bareshe; Basa-Benue; Bassa-Kaduna; Bassa-Kontagora; Batu; Baushi; Bebe; Beezen; Begbere; Bekworra; Berom; Betsinga; Bette-Bende; Biba-Befang; Bijim; Bile; Binawa; Bitare; Bokyi; Bolewa; Bu; Bukwun; Bumaji; Bura; Buru; Buta-Ningi; Cala; Cara; Chamba Daka; Chamba Leko; Chawai; Chishingyini; Chokobo; Cori; Cung; Doka; Doko-Uyanga; Dong; Duguza; Dukawa; Dulbu; Ebughu; Efai; Efik; Efutop; Eggon; Ejagham; Ekajuk; Eket; Ekpari; Eleme; Eloyi; Eman; Etebi; Etulo; Evand; Fam; Firan, Izarek; Fyam; Gbo; Gokana; Gubi; Gure-Kahugu; Gurmana; Gwa; Gyem; Horom; Hyam; Ibeno; Ibibio; Ibuoro; Icen; Idere; Idoma; Igbirra; Igede; Iko; Iku; Ikulu; Ilue; Irigwe; Isoko; Isu; Ito; Jaku; Janji; Jarawa, Izere; Jere; Jidda-Abu; Kadung; Kagoma; Kaivi; Kaje; Kakihum; Kamantan; Kamkam; Kamuku; Kana; Kanufi; Kapya; Katab; Kiballo; Kila; Kinuku; Kiong; Kitimi; Kohumono; Konja; Koro Nulu; Koro Zuba; Korop; Kosin; Kotopo; Kpan; Kugbo; Kukele; Kulung; Kumaju; Kurama; Kuteb; Kuturmi; Kwaja; Lame; Laru; Lela; Lemoro; Lere; Libo, Libbo; Lopawa; Lubila; Lufu; Lungu; Mabo-Barkul; Madda; Magu; Mama, Kwarra; Mambila, Cameroon; Mambila, Nigeria; Mashi; Mbembe, Cross-River; Mbembe, Tigon; Mboa; Mbula-Bwazza; Megili; Messaga; Mijong; Mini; Mungong; Mwinika, Makhuwa-Moniga; Nandu-Tari; Naraguta; Ncane; Ncha; Nde; Ndoe; Ndoro; Ngwoi; Ninzam; Njikum; Nkem-Nkum; Nkukoli; Nnam; Noni; Northern Fungom; Numana; Nungu; Nyima; Obanliku; Obolo; Obulom; Odual; Odut; Ogbia; Ogbogolo; Ogbronuagum; Okobo; Olulumo-Ikom; Oron; Orri; Osatu; Pai; Pongu; Puku; Ruhu; Rukuba; Rumaya; Ruruma; Sanga; Shal; Shani; Suga; Surubu; Tapshin; Tarok; Tera; Tiba; Tita; Tiv; Tiyaa; Turkwam; Twendi; Ubaghara; Ubang; Uda; Ukpe-Bayobiri; Umon; Ura, Ula; Urhobo; Usakade; Utange; Utugwang; Uzekwe; Vute; Wawa; Western Mbube; Wukari Jukun; Yache Akpa; Yako; Yala; Yashi; Yeskwa; Yigha; Yukuben

Countries where they are found: Cameroon; Equatorial Guinea; Ghana; Mozambique; Nigeria; United States

People groups: 278

Population: 43,388,155

Unreached people groups: 69

UPG population: 3,132,980

Unengaged UPGs: 21

UUPG population: 232,850

Number of countries: 6