People groups: 1

Population: 13,000

Unreached people groups: 2

UPG population: 362,000

Unengaged UPGs: 1

UUPG population: 223,000

Number of countries: 1

Base Religion: Unaffiliated

Description: Secularism is a term that comes from the Latin for "of this world" and refers to a philosophy that values the naturalistic and materialistic over the supernatural. Secularism promotes the separation of religion and state and seeks to ensure that the right of individuals to freedom of religion is always balanced by the right to be free from religion.

People groups: 1

Population: 13,000

Unreached people groups: 2

UPG population: 362,000

Unengaged UPGs: 1

UUPG population: 223,000

Number of countries: 1