People groups: 246
Population: 2,929,100
Unreached people groups: 27
UPG population: 724,475
Unengaged UPGs: 15
UUPG population: 41,650
Number of countries: 3
Affinity Bloc: North American Peoples
Overview: The North American Indigenous people cluster encompasses the indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada. In Canada these people groups are identified as Aboriginal peoples or, excluding Inuits and Metis, First Nations peoples. In the United States they are typically identified as Native Americans. Hundreds of languages were spoken in North America prior to first contact with Europeans beginning in the 11th century but most indigenous languages in North America are in decline with a great many classified as endangered. Christianity is noted as primary religion for most of these people groups.
Peoples within this cluster: Abnaki-Penobscot; Achumawi; Ahtena; Alabama-Coushatta; Algonquin; Apache, Jicarilla; Apache, Kiowa; Apache, Lipan; Apache, Mescalero; Apache, Western; Arapaho; Arikara; Assiniboin; Athabascan, Upper Kuskokwim; Atikamek; Atsugewi; Babine; Blackfoot; Caddo; Cahuilla; Catawba; Cayuga; Chehalis; Cherokee; Cheyenne; Chickahominy; Chikasaw; Chinook Wawa; Chinook, Lower; Chinook, Upper; Chippewa; Chitimacha; Choctaw; Chumash; Coeur d'Alene; Columbia-Wenatchi; Colville; Comanche; Coos; Coquille; Cowlitz; Cree, French; Cree, Moose; Cree, Northern East; Cree, Plains; Cree, Southern East; Cree, Swampy; Cree, Woodland; Crow; Cupeno; Dakelh; Dakelh, Southern; Dakota, Sioux; Danezaa Zaage; Degexit'an; Dene; Dogrib; Fall Indian; Flathead-Kalispel; Gitxsan; Gwich'in; Haida; Haisla; Halkomelem; Han Hwech'in; Havasupai; Heiltsuk; Hidatsa; Ho-Chunk; Holikachuk; Hopi; Houma, Half-Choctaw; Hualapai; Hupa; Innu; Iowa; Jemez; K'ómoks (Comox); Kansa; Karuk; Kashaya; Kaska; Kato; Kawaiisu; Kenaitze; Kickapoo; Kiowa; Kitimat; Kitsai; Klallam; Klamath-Modoc; Koasati; Koyukon; Kutenai; Kwakiutl; Lakota; Lillooet; Luiseno; Lumbee; Lushootseed; Maidu, Northwest; Makah; Mandan; Maricopa; Menomini; Mi'kmaq; Miami; Mikasuki Seminole; Miwok; Mohave; Mohawk; Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett; Monacan; Mono; Munsee; Muskogee; Nanticoke; Naskapi; Nass-Gitksian; Navajo; Nez Perce; Nisqually; Nooksack; Nuu-chah-nulth; Nuxalk; Oji-Cree; Ojibwa, Eastern; Ojibwa, Northwestern; Ojibwa, Western; Okanagon; Omaha; Oneida; Onondaga; Osage; Oto; Ottawa; Paiute, Northern; Paiute, Southern; Part-Indian, Metis; Passamaquoddy; Pawnee; Pentlatch; Peoria; Pequot; Pomo; Ponca; Potawatomi; Powhatan; Pueblo, Eastern Keres; Pueblo, Zuni; Quapaw; Quechan; Quileute; Quinault; Sac & Fox, Meskwaki; Sahaptin, Columbia River; Sahaptin, Northeast; Salish, Southern Puget; Salish, Straits; Sechelt; Seminole; Seneca; Serrano; Shawnee; Shoshone; Shuswap; Siletz; Skagit; Slavey, South; Snohomish; Spokane; Squamish; Stoney; Tagish; Tahltan; Tanacross; Tanaina; Tanana, Lower; Tanana, Upper; Tenino; Tewa; Thompson; Timbisha Shoshone; Tiwa, Northern; Tiwa, Southern; Tlingit; Tohono O'odham; Tonkawa; Tse'khene; Tsilhqotʼin; Tsimshian; Tsuut'ina; Tunica; Tuscarora; Tutchone, Northern; Twana; Umpqua; Unami; Ute; Wampanoag; Wappo; Washoe; Western Keres Pueblo; Wichita; Winnebago; Wintun; Wiyot; Wyandot; Yakima; Yaqui; Yavapai; Yokuts; Yuchi; Yuki; Yurok
Countries where they are found: Canada; Mexico; United States
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