Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Darvin Santos - Pixabay
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People groups: 71
Population: 400,821,225
Unreached people groups: 1
UPG population: 14,500
Unengaged UPGs: 0
UUPG population: 0
Number of countries: 32
Affinity Bloc: Latin-Caribbean Americans
Overview: Hispanic is a name given to ethnic groups from Latin America. Hispanic groups are typically identified by country of nationality, but they share a common culture and language rooted in their historical link to Spain. The Hispanic people cluster encompasses Hispanics of white and mestizo ethnicity. Hispanic Afro-Americans are identified as a separate people cluster. Roman Catholicism is the dominant religion among Hispanics.
Peoples within this cluster: American, Spanish-Speaking; Argentine; Bolivian Mestizo; Chilean Mestizo; Colombian, Mestizo; Costa Rican; Cuban; Guatemalan, Mestizo; Honduran Mestizo; Latin American; Latin American, Mestizo; Latin American, Portuguese-speaking; Mexican, Mestizo; Nicaraguan, Mestizo; Panamanian, Mestizo; Panamanian, Mulatto; Peruvian Mestizo; Puerto Rican; Salvadoran Mestizo; South American, Mestizo; Uruguayan; Venezuelan Mestizo
Countries where they are found: Argentina; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bolivia; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Curacao; Ecuador; El Salvador; French Guiana; Germany; Guatemala; Honduras; Italy; Jamaica; Mexico; Mozambique; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Puerto Rico; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay; Venezuela
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