To use this page, append query string parameters to the url, as in the example here:
Other parameters can be added and are separated by an ampersand ("&"), as in the example here:
- * peid= Unique identifer of a single People Group
- * rop1= ROP Affinity Bloc ID
- * rop2= ROP People Cluster ID
- * rop3= ROP People Group ID
- * ag= Affinity Group ID
- * country= FIPS 2-character Country Code
- * popLayer= Enumerated list representing total number of
people in a People Group: 1 = <10,000, 2 = 10,000-49,999, 3 = 50,000-99,999, 4 = 100,000-999,999, 5 = 1,000,000 - 9,999,999, 6 = 10,000,000+
- * lang= 3-character Primary Language Code
- * relBase= 1-character Primary Religion Code
- * relDiv= 3-character Religious Division Code where first charcter is the Primary Religion Code
- * gsec= GSEC Code
- * reg= Continental Region Code
- engaged= Boolean Value, if People Group is Engaged, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- upg= Boolean Value, if Unreached People Group, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- uupg= Boolean Value, if Unreached and Unengaged People Group, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- scripture= Boolean Value, if People Group has Scripture, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- jFilm= Boolean Value, if People Group has Jesus Film, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- radio= Boolean Value, if People Group has Radio Broadcasts, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- recording= Boolean Value, if People Group has Gospel Recordings, 0 = False, 1 = True, 3 = Either
- peopleName= Text Full or Partial Name of People Group
* These parameters can have multiple values in a comma-separated list, such as a
search for People Groups in Congo, Sierra Leone and Sudan, would be: country=CF,SL,SU